Logo & Stationery Designing
A company logo's represents its spirit and image as an organization. It can be representative of your industry, organizational culture or simply artistic taste.
At the core of every effective brand resides a solid corporate identity system (including a logo). As the essence of a brand, the identity needs to serve as the visual definition of the company. It needs to be distinct, simple and flexible.
A logo is not static—it must change as your company or market changes. Consider McDonald’s and AT&T. Each has updated its logo numerous times; as a result, these companies’ logos consistently reflect a current look and feel.

E-SolBiz™ can help you build a brand from the ground up or re-brand an outdated, “tired” corporate image. To create an effective illustrated logo for your company, E-SolBiz™ begins with a discovery process, during which we learn about your business and discuss ideas for your identity. Rather than just taking a shot in the dark, we choose—in close collaboration with you—an agreed-upon “visual direction.” For example: Through the discovery process, we may determine that a company wants a cutting-edge logo with a progressive font style, vibrant colors and a circular symbol showing some type of motion or action. We will then identify several existing logos that the client likes. From this body of information, we will have a solid foundation upon which to design the logo that best represents our client’s business or entity.
At the same time, a logo cannot be the brand all by itself. While a logo acts as the cornerstone of a brand, it should be understood that, by itself, it is still just a symbol. And like any symbol, the key lies in imbuing it with meaning by wielding it within a larger branding strategy.